Thursday, July 21, 2005

OK, so where's the beer?

From all the feedback we have received about this blog, one point in particular was particulalry valid: "Where's the beer?"

It's a good point. The title Beer and Chicken readies the reader for two sided tale, but a quick scan down the page reveales a rather one sided story.

The reason is simple. No man in his right mind would walk into a chicken takeaway and start taking photos. It's only after a skinful of beer that the cameraphones come out. In other words, the beer is busy sloshing around our stomachs, making it somewhat difficult to photograph. Think of the beer as the catalyst for the whole activity. We are always drunk at the time - that's the whole point.

But OK, OK, you're right... It would be nice to see a bit of the drinking action wouldn't it? So we endeavour to start snapping a little earlier in the evening from now on. Expect pictures of pints on tables and the like henceforth.

Please keep the feedback coming in!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the beer? I could murder one.

5:49 pm  

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